Tuesday, April 9, 2013

31 Super quick mitts

This is the quickest fingerless mitten pattern I have done. I have relatively tiny hands and the mitts fit very snugly, so you might want to increase the number of stitches for larger hands. I used the magic loop method and knitted them in the round.

I created them using:
8 ply wool and 6 mm needles

K = Knit
P = Purl
K2tog = Knit 2 together
K2tog tbl = Knit 2 together into the back loop

Method: (Make 2)
Cast on 28 sts and distribute evenly over two needles. Place marker at the start of the round.
Rows 1 & 2 (rib): K1, P1

Begin pattern: (4 row repeat)
Pattern Row 1: K to end of row
Pattern Row 2: K2tog to end of row
Pattern Row 3: K2 into each stitch to end of row

Repeat the 4 pattern rows 6 times (ie 7 pattern sets in total) ie Pattern Rows extend from Row 3 to Row 30

Row 31: K2, K5 onto scrap yarn, move the 5 stitches onto the Left Hand needle and knit the remaining stitches using the main yarn, to complete the round.

Continue in pattern (using only the stitches done with the main yarn and ignoring the stitches on the scrap yarn) for 11 rows ie from Row 32 to Row 43

Rows 44 & 45 (rib): K1, P1

Cast off as follows: K2tog tbl, slip st on Left Hand needle to end

Thumb hole:
Pick up 12 stitches (ie 6 on each needle) along the scrap yarn before removing it.

Knit 5 rows

Rib 2 robs

Cast off

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