Wednesday, April 27, 2011

11 Suntrap Lace and cables scarf

This stunningly beautiful scarf is a free download from Beyenburgerin's Weblog. Again, I am copying the pattern here just in case the pattern ever becomes unavailable from her blog. I hesitated almost a year before attempting this pattern and it turned out to be relatively easy to do. The following pattern is copied in verbatim off her blog. I started and ended with 2 rows of stockinette stitch and used Lincraft golden yellow 8 ply hobby wool on 4.5 mm needles

Experience: Intermediate


about  28 x 185 cm/ about 11 inches wide and 73 inches long
1 ball of wool, should be about 100 g of weight Yardage 320 m / 355 yards 4.5 (US 7) needle Note: The lace pattern is knitted with thicker needles. The yarn should be made for about 3 mm/ US 3 needles
16 st, 26 rows/ 4” over pattern  after blocking

Abbreviations and Pattern:

k = knit
X = double edge stitch, see below
Y = put 3 stitches on an cable/extra needle behind the workpiece, k3tog, put 3 stitches from the extra needle back on the left needle and k3 them, k3 (9 stitches will be 7 after this)
Z = k3, put 3 stitches on an cable/extra needle in front of the workpiece, k3, put 3 stitches from the extra needle back on the left needle and k3tog them, (9 stitches will be 7 after this)
sl2-k1-p2sso = slip 2 stiches knitwise, k1, passed slipped stitches over yo = yarn overk2tog = knit 2 togethersl-k1-psso = slip one stitch, k1 the next, pass slipped stitch over
If you have difficulties with knitting k3tog, just do k2tog and put the stitch back on the left needle and slip the 3rd stitch over, then put the stitch on the right needle.
Double edge stitch (2 stitches twisted):
In the beginning of the second row: 2nd stitch k, then 1st stitch k, then let both stitches slip from the needle at the same timeAt the end of the row: knit until there are 2 stitches left, knit last stitch k1 tbl by keeping the needle behind the stitches, k1 the 2nd stitch from the edge, let both stitches slip from the left needle at the same time. In the back/even rows every stitch is knitted, even those at the edges.
Cast on 37 stiches, knit 2 rows stockinette.
All back/even rows are knitted in stockinette
Knitting the pattern:
Row 1: X, sl-k1-psso, yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, sl-k1-psso  yo, k7, yo, sl2-k1-p2sso, yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, k7, yo, sl2-k1-p2sso, yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, k, X
Row 3: X, sl-k1-psso,yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, k8, yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, k8, yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, k, X
Row 5: X, sl-k1-psso, yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, Y, yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, Y,  yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, sl-k1-psso, yo, k, X
Row 7: X, k, yo, k2tog, yo, sl2-k1-p2sso, yo, k7, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, sl2-k1-p2sso, yo, k7, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, X
Row 9: X, k, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k8, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k8, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, X
Row 11: X, k, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, Z, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, Z, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, X
If the scarf has the desired length, k 1 row after the 12th row of the pattern. Then cast of as follows:*p2tog, slip stitch back on the left needle* repeat from * to *
Weave in loose ends. Soak scarf in warm water for 20 minutes, wrap in towel to remove excess water. Block the scarf on a surface where you can put a pin in every jag. Let it dry this way, it will stay in the zigzag shape then.

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