Wednesday, April 27, 2011

13 Really Easy socks

This is my first attempt at sock knitting - the first sock is still on the needles, but it seems to be coming along well, so here is the pattern:

Wool: Patons, Patonyle 4 ply (100g ball), colour 1111 (blues and greys)

Needles:  Four 2.5mm double pointed needles (dpns) for each sock

dpns = double pointed needles
k = knit
p = purl
sl = slip stitch
sts = stitches
ssk = slip, slip, knit
p2tog = purl 2 together

Cast on 64 stitches. Divide over 3 dpns, ie 21 stitches on each needle
Work 16 rows in K1, P1 (on the round)
Work 64 rows in K (on the round) before attempting the heel

Heel flap: K14, place remaining instep stitches (sts) on stitch holder, turn, sl1, p31 (these 32 stitches are the heel flap sts). Slip remaining sts onto a stitch holder (these are the instep stitches and should be 31 in all).
Work the heel flap as follows: Attach reinforcing yarn (if used)
Row 1 (right side): sl1, k1, rep across
Row 2 (wrong side): sl 1, p across
Work 30 rows (15 slipped knit stitches on right side) end with Row 2

Turning heel: 
Row 1 (right side): sl1, k16, ssk, k1, turn
Row 2 (wrong side): sl1, p5, p2 tog, p1, turn
Row 3: sl1, k6, ssk, k1, turn
Row 4: sl1, p7, p2 tog, p1, turn
Continue as established, decreasing until all stitches are used up; end with right-side row, do not turn, do not decrease on last row (there should be 20 stitches on the last row, in total). Break off reinforcing yarn (if used)

Gusset:(right side facing)
With needle 1, pick 16 stitches along loops on inside edge of heel flap, pick up and twist an extra stitch at the juncture of the flap and instep.
On needle 2: Continue working pattern (ie purl) across instep 31 stitches
With needle 3: Pick up and twist and extra stitch, then pick up 16 stitches along the second edge of the heel flap, continue on heel flap stitches, ending round at the center back of the needle (85 stitches in total)

Adjust stitches on needles as follows:
Place 27 stitches on Needle 1 (or a stitch holder - to ensure that there is less likelihood of the stitches slipping off)
Place 31 instep stitches on Needle 2 (or a stitch holder)
Place 27 stitches on Needle 3 (or a stitch holder)

Decrease round:
Needle 1: k to last 3 sts, k2 tog, k1
Needle 2: Work instep pattern ie knit
Needle 3: k1, ssk, k to end of round
Repeat decrease every other round 12 times until a total of 61 sts remain (31 instep sts on Needle 2 and 15 sts each on Needles 1 and 3).
Reduce to 60 sts by knitting 2 tog in the next round
Put 30 sts on one needle and 30 sts on another and continue knitting on the round until the foot measures the desired length. (Try on sock to determine this)

Toe shaping:
Divide sts on needles as follows:
Needle 1= 15 sts, Needle 2 (top of toe) = 30 sts; Needle 3 = 15 sts
Decrease round:

Needle 1: k to last 3 sts, k2 tog, k1
Needle 2: k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2 tog, k1
Needle 3: k1, ssk, k to end of round
Repeat decrease every other round until 20 sts remain, ending at side of toe. Break yarn, leaving about 15 inches to graft toe together. Place toe sts on 2 ndls; graft sts together. Darn in ends.

Now repeat the entire process again for the second sock :) 

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