Friday, July 26, 2024

Top-down knitted top pattern basic (with a garter stitch yoke)

 Reference patterns:

1.   Lady chartreuse sweater by Sylvie Polo

2. February Lady Sweater by Pamela Wynne.

 My hack of these patterns:

 Wool I used: Patons Jet (variegated – contained orange, purple and red wool muted) Colour: 4  Lot: 757 376

 Needles:  5.5 mm circular

 Size I made: Large

 Body width:  (from one armhole to the next – across the body) = 22 inches

Body length:  (from top of sleeve to bottom of sweater) = 24 inches



• US 8 (5 mm) circular needle or size needed to get gauge

• US 8 (5 mm) double-pointed needles or size needed to get gauge

Sizes : (XS, S, M, L, XL)





Cast on (83, 83, 87, 91, 95) stitches

work 8 rows in moss stitch as follows:

R1, R3, R5 and R7 : K1, P1

R2, R4, R6 and R8 : P1, K1



R9: K1, P1 over the first 8 stitches, K(6, 6, 7, 8, 9) , (PM, K1, PM), k 11, (PM, K1, PM), K ( 28, 28, 30, 32, 34) , (PM, K1, PM), k 11, (PM, K1, PM) , K (7, 7, 8, 9, 10) K1, P1 over the last 8 stitches 

R10: (first increase row): * K1, P1 over the first 8 stitches, K to marker, m1, slip marker, K1, slip marker, m1 ( 2 stitches added)* Repeat from* 3 times, K to  last 8 stitches, K1, P1 over the last 8 stitches 

Repeat rows 9 and 10 a total of (18, 19, 21, 24, 27) times, working a buttonhole on an even row every 2.5 inches. (227, 235, 255, 283, 311) stitches, remove markers.

Buttonhole row (WS): K1, P1, work buttonhole (see how to knit buttonholes below), K to last 8 stitches, K1, P1 over the last 8 stitches 

“Small buttonhole”: [yo, K2tog, P1, K1, K1, P1]

 “Larger buttonhole”: [ssk, double yarn over, K2tog, K1, P1] on the first row and then,

on the next row, [knit two stitches along the yarn (from the double yarn over)]

As said earlier, repeat rows 9 and 10 a total of (18, 19, 21, 24, 27) times


Separating the sleeves and body

Overlap the first and last 8 stitches: To do this, use a crochet hook or a needle and thread to sew together the first 8 stitches and last 8 stitches on the last row Ie row (18, 19, 21, 24, 27) depending on the size of your garment.


Knit the RIGHT FRONT of the garment as follows:

K1, P1 to the first marker, remove marker and cast on 2 stitches (in doing so, ALL stitches on the right front of the garment have been completed) and 2 additional stitches have been added.

Transfer the right sleeve stitches onto scrap yarn or a holding wire as follows: Slip ALL stitches (between the first 2 markers and the 3rd and 4th markers) onto the scrap yarn or holding wire. Secure the ends of the yarn or wire so that the stitches cannot slip off.

Knit the BACK of the garment as follows:

Cast on 2 stitches, K,1, P1 until the 5th marker, remove the marker and cast on 2 stitches (in doing so, ALL stitches on the back of the garment have been completed) and 4 additional stitches have been added.

Transfer the left sleeve stitches onto scrap yarn or a holding wire as follows: : Slip ALL stitches (between the 5th and 6th markers and the 7th and 8th markers) onto the scrap yarn or holding wire. Secure the ends of the yarn or wire so that the stitches cannot slip off.

Knit the LEFT FRONT of the garment as follows:

K1, P1, across all stitches left on the needle (including the overlap of the first and last 8 stitches of the previous row)

NOTE: You should now have ALL the stitches of the front and back on the same circular needles, BUT, the right sleeve stitches and the left sleeve stitches are each held on their own separate needles (or on scrap yarn)


(NOW: Working across the RIGHT FRONT, BACK and LEFT FRONT of the garment:

R2, R4, R6 and R8: P1, K1

R3, R5 and R7: K1, P1

Now, secure the ends of the wire so that the stitches cannot slip off and transfer the needles onto the wire of the RIGHT SLEEVE


FINISHING THE RIGHT SLEEVE: (working on the round)

R1, R3, R5 and R7: K1, P1

R2, R4, R6 and R8: P1, K1

Cast off. The right sleeve is now complete

FINISHING THE LEFT SLEEVE: (working on the round)

Transfer the needles onto the wire of the LEFT SLEEVE

R1, R3, R5 and R7: K1, P1

R2, R4, R6 and R8: P1, K1

Cast off. The LEFT sleeve is now complete.


Transfer the needles onto the wire of the BODY.

You will now be working the FRONT and BACK of the body in the round ie ALL stitches are facing the knitter ie from now on when using a pattern, it will have to be re-written to make sure that ALL the rows are “RIGHT” side rows, ie there CANNOT be any wrong” side rows. The easiest way to do this is to use a chart as a guide.


Variation1: Basic Knit Body:

Knit all rows until the garment measures 23 inches from the shoulder to the bottom.

Work the next 8 rows as follows:

R1, R3, R5 and R7: K1, P1

R2, R4, R6 and R8: P1, K1


Reviving this Blog and an M.C. Escher knitting swatch pattern

M.C. Escher pattern for knitting in the round


1.       This patterns is made up of (Multiples of 10 stitches) and 20 rows and can be knitted with any wool or needles. It is a swatch pattern and can be included in any garment/design  - depending on your preference

I have included the chart here.
o = knit
- = purl

ChChart :


Written instructions:

Row 1: (k1, p1) repeat 5 times

Row 2: p1, k1, p1, k2, p2, k1, p1, k1

Row 3: k1, p1, k3, p3, k1, p1

Row 4:  p1, k4, p4, k1

Row 5: k5, p5

Row 6: k5,p5

Row 7: k4, p1, k1, p4

Row 8: k3, (p1, k1) twice, p3

Row 9: k2, (p1, k1) thrice, p2

Row 10: (k1, p1) repeat 5 times

Row 11: (p1,k1) repeat 5 times

Row 12: p2, (k1,p1) thrice, k2

Row 13: p3, (k1,p1) twice, k3

Row 14: p4, k1, p1, k4

Row 15: p5,k5

Row 16: p5,k5

Row 17: k1, p4, k4, p1

Row 18: p1, k1, p3, k3, p1, k1

Row 19: k1, p1, k1, p2, k2, p1, k1, p1

Row 20: (p1,k1) repeat 5 times

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