Tuesday, March 6, 2012

23 Travelling Companions Shawl

This is intended to be a stash buster. It is a triangular version of The traveling-companion shawl posted as a free download on Ravelry by Karen Strauss of Sea Island Studio Designs. It has progressed beyond the photo shown and I added a lace design which wan't in the original. It is currently on the needles...

22 Simple Neck kerchief

This mini scarf was made using a skein of variegated wool bought from the Spinners and Weavers Guild, Melbourne. The pattern was a simple triangular shawl one, based on 'Little Shells'

21 Summerflies

This shawl is also based on a free Ravelry download called Summerflies by Donna Griffin. The original shawl was a bit small (I wanted a shawl that reached to my waist) so I repeated the two lace sections. It was knitted using a beautiful silky wool (Madil Seta Kid) which was a pleasure to work with.

20 Little Shells Shawlette

This little gem is also a free Ravelry download by Holly Griffin-Weidner. Here is the link to the relevant Ravelry page Little Shells - Free Ravelry download. I knitted it using Debbie Bliss raw silk in green.
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