Sunday, January 16, 2011

10 Lopsided-leaf Lace scarf

This pattern is a multiple of 13+8 stitches. It is an adaptation of a free pattern available from

(NB: The full shawl is a free pattern from The link to the pattern is - - Voyager - free pattern)

Here is an image of my scarf:

Notes:- Every row starts with a slip stitch. On the right side rows (rows 1, 3, 5, 7, 9). Slip 1 purlwise. On the wrong side rows (rows 2, 4, 6, 8, 10), slip 1 knitwise
- YO before purl – wrap yarn around needle purlwise

Cast on 55 Stitches

Border pattern: K 6 rows (garter stitch)

Row 1: Sl 1, *(K4, K2tog, P2, K3, P2)* , K4, K2tog, P1

Row 2: Sl 1, P2tog, P3, *(K2, P1, YO*, P1, YO*, P1, K2, P2tog, P3)* K1

Row 3: Sl 1, *(K2, K2tog, P2, K5, P2)* , K2, K2tog, P1
Row 4: Sl 1, P2tog, P1, *(K2, P2, YO*, P1, YO*, P2, K2, P2tog, P1)* , K1
Row 5: Sl 1, *(YO, K2tog, YO*, P2, K5, K2tog, P2)* , YO, K2tog, YO, P1
Row 6: Sl 1, P3, *(K2, P2tog, P4, K2, P3)* , K1
Row 7: Sl 1, *(K1, YO, K1, YO, K1, P2, K3, K2tog, P2)* , K1, YO, K1, YO, K1, P1
Row 8: Sl 1, P5, *(K2, P2tog, P2, K2, P5)* , K1
Row 9: Sl 1, *(K2, YO, K1, YO, K2, P2, K1, K2tog, P2)* , K2, YO, K1, YO, K2, P1
Row 10: Sl 1, P2tog, P5, *(K2, YO*, P2tog, YO, K2, P2tog, P5)* , K1

Repeat rows 1-10 until desired length.

Repeat the border pattern

Cast off

09 Diamond Lace

This pattern is a multiple of 16+2 stitches

Here is an image of my work:

For 2 pattern repeats, cast on 34 stitches
yrn = yarn round needle
Border pattern: k 5 rows (garter stitch)
Row 1: k1 *k2, yfwd, k2tog, k4, yfwd, k2tog, k2, k2tog, yfwd, k2* rep from * to * to last st, k1
Row 2: k1 *p3, yrn, p2tog, p3, yrn, p2tog, p1, p2tog, yrn, p3* rep from * to * to last st, k1
Row 3: k1 *yfwd, k2tog, k2, yfwd, k2tog, k4, k2tog, yfwd, k4* rep from * to * to last st, k1
Row 4: k1, yrn, p2tog, p3, yrn, p2tog, p2, p2tog, yrn, p5* rep from * to * to last st, k1
Row 5: k1 *yfwd, k2tog, k4, yfwd, (k2tog) twice, yfwd, k6* rep from * to * to last st, k1
Row 6: k1 *yrn, p2tog, p2, p2tog, yrn, p4, yrn, p2tog, p4* rep from * to * to last st, k1
Row 7: k1 *yfwd, k2tog, k1, k2tog, yfwd, k6, yfwd, k2tog, k3* rep from * to * to last st, k1
Row 8: k1 *p2, p2tog, yrn, p4, yrn, p2tog, p2, yrn, p2tog, p2* rep from * to * to last st, k1
Row 9: k1 *k1, k2tog, yfwd, k5, yfwd, k2tof, k3, yfwd, k2tog, k1* rep from * to * to last st, k1
Row 10: k1 *p2tog, yrn, p6, yrn, p2tog, p4, yrn, p2tog* rep from * to * to last st, k1
Repeat these 10 rows for pattern
Repeat border and then cast off

08 Harebell lace

This pattern is a multiple of 6+3 stitches

Since I wanted 2 extra stitches at the ends of each row, and 3 pattern repeats, I cast on 25 stitches

Here are images of the scarf which I made:

sk2p = slip 1, k2tog, psso
ssk = slip 1st stitch as if to knit, slip 2nd stitch as if to knit, slide left-hand needle into the front of both stitches and knit them together
Border pattern: Knit 4 rows (garter stitch)
Row 1, 3, 5: k2, p3 *k3, p3* rep from * to * k2
Row 2: k5 *p2tog, yo, p1, k3* rep from * to * k2
Row 4: k5 *p1, yo, p2tog, k3* rep from * to * k2
Row 6: k3, k2tog *(p1, yo)twice, p1 sk2p* rep from * end last rep ssk, k3
Row 8: k2, p1, yo, p2tog *k3, p1, yo, p2tog* rep from * to * k2
Row 10: k2, p2tog, yo, p1 *k3, p2tog, yo, p1* rep from * to * k2
Row 12: k2, p2, yo, p1 *sk2p, (p1, yo) twice, p1* rep from * to * end sk2p, p1, yo, p2, k2
After the required length is reached, repeat the border pattern
Cast off

Saturday, January 15, 2011

07 Leaf lace - 1

This pattern is a multiple of 16+1 stitches

Here is an image of the scarf which I made:
For 2 pattern repeats, cast on 33 stitches
Border pattern: Knit 5 rows (garter stitch)
Rows 1, 2, 3: k
Row 4: k1 *yfwd, k5, yfwd, sl1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, sl1, k1, psso, sl1, k2tog, psso (k1, yfwd) twice, k1* rep from * to * until the end
Row 5: p
Row 6: k1 *yfwd, k2, sl1, k2tog, psso, k2, yfwd, sl1, k1, psso, yfwd, sl1, k2tog, passo, yfwd, k3, yfwd, k1* rep from * to * until the end
Row 7: p
Row 8: k1 *(yfwd, k1) twice, sl1, k2tog, psso, k2tog, yfwd, sl1, k2tog, passo, yfwd, k5, yfwd, k1* rep from * to * until the end
Row 9: p
Row 10: k1 *yfwd, k3, yfwd, sl1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, k2tog, yfwd, k2, sl1, k2tog, psso, k2, yfwd, k1* rep from * to * until the end
Row 11: p
Repeat rows 4 to 11 for pattern
When the desired length is reached, repeat the Border pattern
Cast off

06 Travelling vines

This pattern is a multiple of 8+4 stitches
Here is an image of the scarf which I completed:
To make 3 pattern repeats, cast on 28 stitches
yfwd = yarn forward
Border pattern: Knit 4 rows (garter stitch)
Row 1: k2 *yfwd, k1, yfwd, k2tog, k5* rep from * to * to last 2 sts, k2
Row 2: p2 *p4, p2togy, p3* rep from * to * to last 2 sts, p2
Row 3: k2 *yfwd, k1, yfwd, k2, k2tog, k3* rep from * to * to last 2 sts, k2
Row 4: p2 *p2, p2tog, p5* rep from * to * to last 2 sts, p2
Row 5: k2 *k1, yfwd, k4, k2tog, k1, yfwd* rep from * to * to last 2 sts k2
Row 6: p2 *p1, p2tog, p6* rep from * to * to last 2 sts p2
Row 7: k2 *k5, k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd* rep from * to * to last 2 sts k2
Row 8: p2 *p3, p2tog, p4 * rep from * to * to last 2 sts p2
Row 9: k2 *k3, k2tog, k2, yfwd, k1, yfwd * rep from * to * to last 2 sts k2
Row 10: p2 *p5, p2tog, p2* rep from * to * to last 2 sts p2
Row 11: k2 *yfwd, k1, k2tog, k4, yfwd, k1* rep from * to * to last 2 sts k2
Row 12: p2 *p6, p2tog, p1* rep from * to * to last 2 sts p2
Repeat these 12 rows for pattern
When the scarf is the required length, repeat the Border pattern
Cast off

Friday, January 14, 2011

05 Beginners Lace

This pattern is a multiple of 6+1 stitches

Here are images of the scarf which I made:

Cast on 25 stitches (for 4 pattern repeats)

Border row (garter stitch): Knit 5 rows
Row 1 and all odd numbered rows (wrong side): p
Rows 2, 4, 6: k1 *yo, sl1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog, yo, k1* rep from * to *
Row 8: k2 *yo, sl1-k2tog-psso, yo, k3* rep from * to * end last rep k2
Row 10: k1 *k2tog, yo, k1, yo, sl1-k1-psso, k1* rep from * to *
Row 12: k2tog *yo, k3, yo, sl1-k2tog-psso* rep from * to *
Repeat Rows 1 to 12 to from pattern
When scarf is the desired length, knit 5 rows
Cast off.

04 Chinese Lantern knit scarf

This scarf is a multiple of 13+2 stitches

Here are images of the scarf which I made:

cn = cable needle

To get 2 pattern repeats cast on 28 stitches
Border pattern (garter stitch): knit 5 rows
Row 1 , 13(wrong side): k2 *p5, k1, p5,k2* rep from * to *
Row 2: p2 *k1, (yo, k2tog) twice, p1, k5, p2* rep from * to *
Row 3, 5, 7, 9, 11: k2 *p4, k2, p5, k2* rep from * to *
Row 4, 8, 12: p2 *k1(yo, k2tog) twice, p2, k4, p2* rep from * to *
Row 6, 10: p2 *k1, (yo, k2tog)twice, p2, sl next 2 sts onto cn & hold at back, k2, then k2 from cn, p2* rep from * to *
Row 14: p2 *k5, p1, (sl1, k1, psso, yo) twice, k1, p2* rep from * to *
Row 15, 17, 19, 21, 23: k2 *p5, k2, p4, k2* rep from * to *
Row 16, 20, 24: p2 *k4, p2, (sl1, k1, psso, yo) twice, k1, p2* rep from * to *
Row 18, 22: p2*sl next 2 sts onto cn & hold at back, k2, then k2 from cn, p2, (sl1, k1, psso, yo) twice, k1, p2* rep from * to *
When scarf is the desired length, repeat 5 rows of the Border pattern
Cast off

03 Crazy checks knit lace scarf

This pattern is a multiple of 16+2 stitches

Here is an image of the scarf which I made:

Cast on 66 stitches (to get 4 pattern repeats,)

Complete 5 rows of the border pattern

Border pattern (garter stitch): k

Rows 1, 3, 5, 7 (right side): k1 * (sl1, k1, psso, yo) 4 times, k8* rep from * to * end k1

Rows 2, 4, 6, 8: k1 * k8, p8* rep from * to * end k1

Rows 9, 11, 13, 15: k1 * k8, (yo, k2tog) 4 times* rep from * to * end k1

Rows 10, 12, 14, 16: k1, *p8, k8* rep from * to * end k1

Repeat Rows 1 to 16 to form pattern.

When the scarf is the required length, complete 5 more rows of the border pattern.

Cast off

02 Horseshoe lace knit scarf

This pattern is commonly used in Shetland lace designs

(It is a multiple of 10 stitches + 2)

Here are images of the scarf which I made:

k = knit
p = purl
WS = wrong side
slip 1 = slip one stitch from left to right needle
k2 tog = knit 2 stitches together
psso = pass slipped stitch over
yo = yarn over
rep from * to * = Repeat pattern between the asterisks

Cast on 52 stitches (to get 5 pattern repeats)
Begin the Border pattern (4 repeats, ie 8 rows in all)

Border pattern - : (in Seed stitch)
Row 1: k
Row 2: *k1, p1*, rep from * to * until end of row

Horseshoe pattern:
Row 1 (WS): p
Row 2: k1 * yo, k3, slip1-k2tog-psso, k3, yo, k1*, rep from * to * end k1
Row 3: p
Row 4: k1 *k1, yo, k2, slip1-k2tog-psso, k2, yo, k2*, rep from * to * end k1
Row 5: p
Row 6: k1 *k2, yo, k1, slip1-k2tog-psso, k1, yo, k3* rep from * to * end k1
Row 7: p
Row 8: k1 *k3, yo, slip1-k2tog-psso, yo, k4* rep from * to * end k1

Once the scarf is the required length, repeat the border pattern 4 times (8 rows in all)
Cast off.

01 Sweet Scallops Crochet Shawl

This blog is essentially a scrapbook and easy reference of lace patterns which I have successfully attempted.

This project was made from using a free pattern from the Lion Brand website at 'Sweet Scallops Crochet Shawl'. I have copied the pattern below in case the original is ever pulled from circulation.
I did not use the recommended wool as it was not available. I used Morris - Paddington 6ply (80% Bamboo, 20% Merino - Colour Peach Sorbet) and crocheted it on a 3.5mm hook. Essentially you can use any wool or yarn you like, though the guage will change accordingly.

Here is an image of the shawl which I made:

The details are as follows:

Free Crochet Pattern from Lion Brand Yarn
Lion Brand® Vanna's Choice
Sweet Scallops Shawl
Pattern Number: 60744A
SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate
SIZE: One Size
18 x 90 in. (45.5 x 228.5 cm)
CORRECTIONS: (applied Feb 4, 2008)
Row 2 (RS):
Ch 3 (counts as first dc), turn, dc in first st, *ch 3, sk ch-3 sp, sc in next ch-5 sp, 9
dc in next ch-5 sp, sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, 3 dc in next sc st; rep from *,
working only 2 dc at end of last rep.
MATERIALS• 860-130 Lion Brand Vanna's Choice Yarn: Honey
6 Balls
• Lion Brand Crochet Hook - Size K-10.5
• Large-Eye Blunt Needles (Set of 6)

1 pattern repeat = 5½ in. (14 cm). BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR GAUGE. When you match the
gauge in a pattern, your project will be the size specified in the pattern and the materials
specified in the pattern will be sufficient. If it takes you less stitches and rows to make a 4 in.
[10 cm] square, try using a smaller size hook or needles; if more stitches and rows, try a larger
size hook or needles.
Picot Sc in indicated st, ch 3, sl st in top of sc just made
PANEL (make 2)
Ch 56.
Row 1 (WS): Sc in 2nd ch from hook, *ch 3, sk 2 ch, sc in next ch, (ch 5, sk 3 ch, sc in next ch) 3 times, ch
3, sk 2 ch, sc in next ch; rep from * to end – 3 pattern repeats.
Row 2 (RS): Ch 3 (counts as first dc), turn, dc in first st, *ch 3, sk ch-3 sp, sc in next ch-5 sp, 9 dc in next
ch-5 sp, sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, 3 dc in next st; rep from *, working only 2 dc at end of last
Row 3: Ch 1, turn, sc in first 2 dc, *ch 1, sk next ch-3 sp, sk next sc, dc in next dc, (ch 1, dc in next dc) 8
times, ch 1, sk next sc, sk next ch-3 sp, sc in next 3 dc; rep from * omitting 1 sc at end of last rep.
Row 4: Ch 1, turn, sc in first sc, *sk next sc, sk next ch-1 sp, dc in next dc, (ch 1, sk ch-1 sp, dc in next dc)
3 times, ch 1, sk ch-1 sp, (dc, ch 1, dc) in next dc, (ch 1, sk ch-1 sp, dc in next dc) 4 times (Crescent made),
sk ch-1 sp, sk 1 sc, sc in next sc; rep from * to end.
Row 5: Ch 6 (counts as dc and ch 3), turn, *sc in 3rd dc of next Crescent, ch 5, sk ch-1 sp, sk 1 dc, sc in
next ch, ch 5, sk 1 dc, sk ch-1 sp, sk 1 dc, sc in next ch, ch 5, sk 1 dc, sk ch-1 sp, sc in next dc, ch 3, sk rem
sts of same Crescent, dc in next sc, ch 3; rep from * omitting ch-3 at end of last rep.

Rep Rows 2-5, until Panel measures 45 in. (114.5 cm) from beg, end with a Row 4.

Last Row (picot edging): Ch 1, turn, sc in first sc, picot in next dc, *(sc in next ch, picot in next dc) 8
times, sc in next ch, insert hook in next dc and draw up a loop, sk next sc, insert hook in next dc and draw
up a loop, yarn over and draw through all 3 loops on hook, rep from * once more, (sc in next ch, picot in
next dc) 9 times, sc in last sc. Fasten off.

Seam ends (at Row 1) of Panels together.

Join yarn with sl st in corner of one long side.
Row 1: Ch 1, sc in same space as join. Sc evenly along long side.
Row 2: Ch 2, turn, hdc in each sc.
Row 3: Ch 1, turn, sc in each hdc.
Fasten off. Rep edging along opposite long side.
Weave in ends.

Click for explanation and illustration
beg = begin(s)(ning)
ch(s) = chain(s)
ch-space = space previously made
dc = double crochet
hdc = half double crochet
rep = repeat(s)(ing)
RS = right side
sc = single crochet
st(s) = stitch(es)
WS = wrong side
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